Draw Lines

i have a procedural mesh with vertexes;
and i want to create from these vertexes lines in 3d space
how can i do that? “draw debug line” is only for debug… and only for 2 points (i need draw array of points)

thanks, new for unreal, wait for help

this is my solution:

LineBatchComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<ULineBatchComponent>(TEXT("LineBatcher"));
 TArray<FBatchedLine> lines;
		for (auto i = 0; i < mVertexes.size() - 1; i += 2)
			FVector start = FVector(mVertexes[i].x,mVertexes[i].y,mVertexes[i].z);
			FVector end = FVector(mVertexes[i+1].x,mVertexes[i+1].y,mVertexes[i+1].z);

			FBatchedLine line = FBatchedLine(start,
				FLinearColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5),
				10000, // for long period draw


I have used this utility extensively and recommend it for all in world line drawing.

Hi, i using Unreal Engine 5 and using this component/function i noticed that ALPHA of color not work, do you know how i fix it?