Is it possible to convert a c++ code to blueprints?

was wondering if it is possible to convert a c++ code to BP’s

Not really. In any case, why would you want to do something like that?

No, unfortunately :frowning:

Oh it’s possible, you’ll have to do it manually by hand :slight_smile:

I am not sure why your answers so far have all said no.

You can convert c++ classes that you have created to blueprint classes - the unreal UMG tutorial uses this.

You can create a blueprint function library and add new blueprint nodes which will execute c++ code that you have written.

There are good reasons to do both of these things - mainly to give non programmers the ability to change variables in your C++ class or to call new functions that do not exist as standard.

I wrote a serial port plugin that could be used via blueprint nodes. It was all written in c++ so, again, I do not understand why others have simply said no.


Can you post the link? I’m having trouble finding it…