Players Health Getting Reset After Health = 0 ???

If anyone could possibly help it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

I have setup a simple player health system where the ‘Default Health’ is set to 100, and every time my player (triangle blueprint class) gets ‘Hit’ their health decreases by 10. Then, when the players health is equal to (or less) than 0, the actor is destroyed and will re-spawn at one of the 3 locations that are randomly selected from an array. Mostly, it works. However i am experiencing this really strange issue and its quite difficult to explain so sorry if this is difficult to follow.

Ok so, when i start my game, my player (triangle) is set at its default location currently which is the middle of the map, his health being 100. Now every time that i hit the player, his health decreases, and then when his health gets to 0 he will re-spawn at the locations(all ok so far).

When the player re-spawns after his first death, i will go over to it and
start shooting it, and its health
decreases, but this time when it
reaches 0, instead of destroying the
actor, its health gets set back to
100, and so i have to get his health
back down to 0 again in order for him
to die and re-spawn

This does not always happen after its first death in the middle of the map, sometimes it can die from its first life, but then just work exactly how it did its first life, where its health wont get reset (Hoping this makes some sense). But it will always start doing this weird reset health issue after some amount of deaths. I have attached my blueprint class for this player.

Can anyone see something possibly in my blueprint that could be causing
the Health to reset randomly?

Open image in new tab to view higher resolution.


As i was literally typing out a response as to why i thought i knew the player was not just being ‘resurrected’, i realized that you are correct! I thought that the randomizing of the arrays index, was going to make it so that there would not be any repeats. Now i realize that what you are saying is right. So thank you so much!

But a quick question, is there anyway that i can have the spawn point randomly selected, but not allow for there to be a repeat?

Anyway thank you so much!

How do you know the new one it’s just spawning in the same spot as the one you just destroyed? Thus making it look like it gets resurrected.