Win64 Packaging Fails: ChildActorComponent template mismatch

This bug has been plaguing us for about 6 months now. My general assessment of the situation is like this:

  1. We have a handled ensure failure of the “Template Mismatch during attachment” variety that occurs even when playing in editor. It seems to be caused by some ChildActorComponents but we cannot figure out why.
  2. The game seems to play fine in the editor (e.g. there is no noticeable issue caused by this handled ensure).
  3. The game cooks and packages fine for Mac (the handled ensure occurs during the cook but it overlooks it and packages anyways)
  4. The game FAILS to package for Win64. It simply will not overlook this ensure failure during the cook like it does for Mac and so we cannot get a windows build of any sort!

I have dug through the question forum here for a long time and found some related posts to this handled ensure but none of them seem to help. I’ve also tried narrowing down exactly what is causing the ensure failure but it seems that ANY use of a ChildActorComponent triggers it (perhaps we are not using them correctly but again, no research I can do would suggest we have it wrong).

The log from the failed Win64 cook is [attached][1] and the error summary from the log is included below. Any help would be much appreciated