What's the best way of scripting independent control for multiple pawns?

I’m trying to make a game or (a prototype of one) where the player is able to control two different pawns at the same time and move them around in four directions in a grid. As controllers can only control one pawn at a time my solution has been to have the player control two meshes within the same pawn blueprint. It works for now and looks functional but I have a feeling it’s going to be very cumbersome problem soon. Does anyone know of any alternative ways of doing this?


Ether make PlayerController control 2nd pawn or make possessed 1st pawn to forward 2nd pawn controls from controller to 1st pawn and then 1st pawn would send to 2nd pawn, so they both operate like single pawn. Other option would be using 2 actors as child actors component, could be even pawns if you find pawn controls better. Your method seems quite valid too or else you ignoring playercontroller which might end up being problematic.

Fact that PlayerController can possess only single pawn does not mean it can’t be made 2nd or more pawn, it can be extended to have such support, simply in most popular uses of UE4 only single pawn is controlled by single pawn so that is it’s default programing.