Is it possible to assign a physical material to a decal?

I’m trying to make it so when you step a decal (puddle) it plays a little splash sound. All my other materials I can assign and the step sound works fine.

I wish someone would answer this. The phys mat dropdown is grayed out and i heve no idea why.

The base collider (floor, wall, etc) doesn’t know which decals are attached, and thus can’t return a decal-specific physmaterial. There’s also the challenge of which decal is “most important” if you have more than one.

You will need to create your own decal actor that creates another collider surface a hair above its contact surface, with a different physical material specified.
An alternative is to create a “decal footstep manager” where you keep track of where decals are placed yourself, and do a look-aside to see if a decal is close enough, when you figure out what footstep sound to play.

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