Trying to play 2 different Animations in Blueprints?

Im having trouble, I want to play an idle animation when a player is not moving and a running animation when he is. I can go from idle to running animation but I cant go vice versa (running to idle animation).

Here is my event graph:

And here is my transition:

I also have another transition which is the same format but opposite variables. When I set doIdleAnim to true, I want to set doRunningAnim to false and vice versa, I dont know how to do this with Unreal Engine Blueprints and i tried and failed. I would appreciate some help, thanks - Jacob.

Have you thought about setting up Blendspaces and then using the StateMachine on the Anim blueprint to handle the transitions?\

Thanks so much to mikepurvis, I complicated the blueprint with too many booleans. I used blend space and a float value for movement speed to determine which animation to play. It works perfectly thanks!