Making material baker


I’m interesting in making simple tool that will allow me to bake down complex material into set of textures: albedo, normal, metallic, etc. Engine already have similar functionality in Merge Actor tool, but I need a simpler version to bake materials only without creating mesh and LOD stuff :slight_smile:

I dig some engine C++ sources and find a big MaterialBakingModule with a lot of functionality. Looks like it kinda have all functionality that I need, but it’s not exposed in editor or did I missed something?

From other side there is “Draw material to render target” BP node, but it bakes only emissive material output as far as I know.

So my question is in which direction should I go? Should I dig more in MaterialBakingModule and figure out how to use it’s functionality or maybe it will be much simplier make something like “DrawMaterialToRenderTarget” but with
desired outputs? (Maybe someone from the ue4 stuff point me right direction?)

I know about some baking setups in “RenderToTextureTools” but it’s too “hacky” and lot of manual work after, so I don’t like it.

any thoughts? :slight_smile:

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