I have a spawnpoint that spawns a box (from the conveyor tutorial on unreals youtube) - and a destroyer volume at the other end. Want to spawn a new box when the old one is destroyed. How do i do that?

Can you take a screenshot of what you’re currently trying to do to achieve this?

The spawn point spawns a box, which when overlapping a collision box starts to move to the other end. When overlapping a volume at the other end the box is destroyed. Now i want to spawn a new box when the old one is destroyed. Cast to spawnpoint and call a spawning event wont work right, as the target would be the box and the destroyed boxmesh != spawnpoint actor?

thank you!

Create a boolean like “Is box alive”, set it by default on false.
With a envent, the event tick for exemple you could check if this variable is true, if it is, do not doanything and if it is flase launch the fonction to spawn your box.
When the box reach it target point, it’ll be destryed and just before that, set your variable to false and another box will be able to spawn :3