Can't seem to change direction

I am working on a game with planetary gravity. The player runs around a cylinder which exerts a gravitational pull on him. So far everything is working fine and he can walk upside down. Right moves the player clockwise, left anticlockwise. The problem is, when he is on the lower half (z-wise) of the cylinder, his movement animation is backwards. I tried rectifying this by making a bool to replace ‘bismovingright’ and making it conditional on what side of the cylinder he is on. Here is my blueprint.

‘IsUpsideDown’ is 1 if the character is NOT upside down (confusing I know) and -1 if he is. I have checked everything is firing correctly and my ‘IsUpsideDown’ variable changes correctly, which it does. I can’t for the life of me figure out how this BP does not work.

Edit: just realised I accidentally deleted the node where I use the current velocity to ‘compare float’. However since my example is a little different I now have the new problem where I need to use the relative angular velocity to determine whether my hero should be facing left or right, which I can’t seem to access.