Child PaperCharacter Moving on its own even without Input

Good day, I have a Parent object and a Child Object, My Child Object is a PaperCharacter, when I move it its okay, but when the Parent started to move, the Child also moves even without input, I don’t know why, I want it not to move, but still follows the Ship_Blueprint, I’m new in Unreal. I will provide more details on the picture provided. also the blueprint on MyChar, and Ship_Blueprint.



MyChar BP:


Ship_Blueprint BP:


My Target output is, the world inside the ship is separate outside the ship, the characters inside the ship is free to move and not affected on what is outside the ship, the ship can move in any direction, and the Character will retain its place

Sounds like it’s best to make them two separate actors then. Is there a reason that it would make more sense to make the character a component or child or the ship?