[Animation] Transition / Start and Stop Walking

Hello everyone !

I am in the process of learning animations with Unreal.
For that I’m working with the 3D sidescroller template.
( I also got the animation pack “AnimsetPro” in order to practice.)

I am currently working on transitions between states, and I do not seem to find much information to help me.

My idea would be to learn how to make some smooth animations for a “walk-loop”.

For that, I have already created multiple states :
Idle->StartWalking->WalkLoop->EndWalk → back to idle

Idle :
Just a basic ThirdPerson Idle animation playing

Start walking

Walk Loop

Stop Walking

Result :


As you can see I have created some blendspace animation for “Start Walking” and “Stop Walking”
But the result is kind of weird.
It feels so unatural. ( It’s even worse in game )

When we look at the final animgraph, it’s behaving as if the animations were instantaneously switched between the states without blending …

What am I doing wrong with that ? Is this a sync problem ?
Can someone help me to fix this situation ?

Something I have learned from Advanced Locomotion System is calling functions in your actual transition condition (so the lines that connect your transition states). They have two places that I know of where you can call these functions, Enter State and Leave State. Couple that with establishing sync groups (Sync Groups | Unreal Engine Documentation) and anim curves, you’ll be able to fine tune your blending by specifying how and when to blend.

I know the UE4 tutorial series on animation (Animation Blueprint Setup & Walkthrough | Live Training | Unreal Engine Livestream - YouTube) is also pretty good, although I haven’t delved past part 2 (there are 4 parts).

I know this doesn’t directly answer your question, but what this will do is give you some references to better fine tune your locomotion system, which would, in time, answer your question all on its own.

if you are still working on this. Sync Markers is a big part of the solution. In each of the individual Animations scrub through the animation and add sync markers (LeftPlant, RightPlant) where the foot meets the ground. Make sure all the Blendspaces have the same Sync Group defined. It can be any name, but make them the same (so they are a group). the engine will them sync the animations around those frames.