No Slate Info in ProfileGPU

I’m continuing my efforts to get UE4 rendering as fast as possible for the project I’m on.

In using the ‘profilegpu’ command, I’ve found that ~0.31-0.38ms (~35-40% of my frame) is not being tracked, but is showing up as “Other Children” (outside of the “Scene” tree).

I added my own gpu stat events to the RHICmds in FEngineLoop::Tick(), and I seem to have tracked it down to Slate rendering. Looking at Slate rendering code, however, it appears that there a “Slate UI” gpu stat events should be getting tracked… but it it’s not showing up in my profilegpu results. Any idea what would prevent this from being displayed?

Furthermore, any gpu events that I push onto the RHICmdList after the call to “FSlateApplication::Get().Tick();” are not showing up either. Any idea why that is?

I appreciate any help or advice you can offer.


Ah! r.ProfileGPU.ShowLeafEvents was the ticket to get those “leaf nodes” to show.