Stop autopossessing


I created a few levels of my game and ran into an issue that seem to get worst and worst each time i try to solve it.
I had a title level with the main menu and when selecting an option, it opened the game menu and launch it, the issue were that the player controller spawned it’s own pawn and possess it.

I tried almost anything even make a script to hard span a pawn and possess it, but it never works correctly, most of the time i don’t even understand what happens cause i don’t get a view on what is supposed to. The camera seem to end in a random place with no logic at all. In some case it was under the pawn with a 1rst person cam where the pawn camera is a top down. And sometime it’s somewhere in the level where nothing is there.

you can try going to world settings and overriding the default pawn class and set it to none.

this can also be done in project settings in the maps and modes section

Also check your default PlayerController and Pawn classes that are set in your World Settings for each level or in your GameMode class.
That PlayerController or Pawn (I forgot which) can be set to autopossess the pawn with a certain player index. Make sure that’s turned off.