Why Actor with physics is not synchronized through the network but StaticMeshActor is perfectly synchronized?

Hi, i have been doing some tests with physics and replication and i found some interesting behaviour with Actor and StaticMeshActor.

If i place an Actor with Physics simulation box, Replication box and Replication Movement box checked, the actor will result out of sync over network, BUT if i place an StaticMeshActor with THE SAME configuration as the Actor, it is synced over network… so… What is the difference between Actor and StaticMeshActor? I mean… a StaticMeshActor is a child of an Actor… so… What makes that the StaticMeshActor synchronize?


RED CUBES → StaticMeshActor → Synced

GREEN CUBES-> Actor-> Out of sync

If the root component is a StaticMeshComponent, works fine… why?

	StaticMeshComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("StaticMeshComponent"));
	RootComponent = StaticMeshComponent;


I fund the bug: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-26120)

so… Could someone fix it?


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