Is there a date or version number for a Linux Native UE release?

Hi, Is there a date or version number for a Linux Native UE release? I bought and continually pay the license based on a previous anoucement that this would happen soon and you guys were commited on it, but it looks that the efort is being mantained just by a few persons by irc.

The dates we have are in the roadmap, although they have previously slipped. I cannot give you the exact version number since achieving parity with other platforms is going to be an iterative process (even Mac and Windows editors still differ somewhat), but I think 4.5 will see the Linux editor being at least partially useful.

Since you say “release”, I have to clarify that we so far only support building from sources, and making a binary release (i.e. one you could use without compiling the code yourself) is still far off.

Thank you very much for clarifying!
My project is still on founding stages, so I can wait a bit before make a decision. It’s my intention to continually pay the license for many years to come, but that is just if there is some insurgence that eventually it does compile to a production ready state.
Trusting on your answerer I’ll wait.