Unload stream level followed by load stream level does not work

I want to reload a streamed level as it’s being hidden (set to visible off), because i’m switching levels and wish to make the level visible again.
The reason behind this is because in this case (level product03_cloud), I want the nodes in the level bluprint of this level to re-run again in the event start. This is because it’s playing animations that I want to replay again.

Problem is now, that when I unload the level, the load stream level is not being called and when I set the level to visible again in the Main level. It turns to black because it can’t be made visible because it’s not loaded in.

Is there a way to reload the level or make unload stream level and load stream level happen accordingly?

Have you tried this?

that’s intended for levels but not streamed levels which i’m using here.
If try that which you linked to me, it’s reloading my entire persistent level.
If i want that i could just simply use the the node open level and the name of my .umap level which contains all the streamed levels.

thanks for the reply though.

I tried reloading it this way, by just loading the stream level: https://puu.sh/Aa8p4/50b3142905.png
but with unwanted results.