Detect first run of game

Currently my Main-Menu has 2 buttons: ‘start new game’ and ‘load game’
and loading and saving itself works fine (using GConfig->Set and GConfig->Get) however the user is able to click my ‘load game’ button even though he has no saved game yet, not to mention that i dislike using 2 different buttons to start a game.
So I have to somehow figure out, whether the user starts the game for his first time or not.
I thought of loading and saving a boolean. However the first thing my game would do then, would be loading the bool - which is not saved yet. But in order to save the value I have to know what value to save → so I’d have to load the value.
Is there any way I can find out whether a value is saved or not?

You can check if a save game exists, not if it has been saved just if a save exists in the slot you use.

The node you want is Does Save Game Exist

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