Set fullscreen mode doesn't seem to work when a packaged game is launched

Hey Everyone, for some reason setting the fullscreen mode to (fullscreen) works, but when the packaged game is restarted it sets its self back to windowed fullscreen even when the GameUserSettings.ini shows that the fullscreen mode is set to 0 which is fullscreen. I’ve been trying to find a solution for three days and haven’t had any luck, If someone could please help it would be really appreciated. I can also send you a none package file of the project if needed that can create the issue.

Thanks, Mitch

I have the Set Fullscreen mode to a event begin play that gets the current mode which sets and applies it.

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GameUserSettings will be loaded when the game starts, automatically. What you have to do is set the fullscreen mode to FullScreen, not to GetFullScreenMode. Then, when you start your game again, it will save that setting :wink:

Unfortunately the issue is still happening, it works when set to windowed or windowed fullscreen but just doesn’t work with fullscreen and will switch back to windowed fullscreen when launched back up. I don’t know if its something to do with the engine because fortnite had the same problem a while back.

Hmm, that might just be a bug then. Try filing this as a bug report!

Yh, looks like i’m gonna have to do that but thanks for helping really appreciated.