Assertion Failed Actor.cpp line 772

Assertion is rare but hit by this line:

void AEmotionBullet::BeginPlay()

        OnActorBeginOverlap.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &AEmotionBullet::TriggerEmotionalResponseInAI); //call stack from the assert leads up to here.

I believe it has something to do with trying to register multiple times with the Tick function. In EmotionBullet’s constructor its ticking is set like so:

And the bullet is created by the PlayerCharacter like so:

			AEmotionBullet * SpawnedBlueprintBullet = (GetWorld())->SpawnActor<AEmotionBullet>(SpawnedBlueprintBulletClass, SpawnLocation, GetActorRotation() , SpawnParams);

			check(SpawnedBlueprintBullet != nullptr);
			if (SpawnedBlueprintBullet)
				SpawnedBlueprintBullet->Origin = SpawnLocation;
				SpawnedBlueprintBullet->Target = EndLocation;
				SpawnedBlueprintBullet->BulletType = StoredEmotionToFire;
				SpawnedBlueprintBullet->FlyToTarget(); //this function will set TickEnabled to true at the end.

Is the problem that it’s trying to go through it all in one frame and register with Tick twice or am I on the wrong track? Would moving the OnActorBeginOverlap delegate registration up to the constructor prevent this?