How to use GetMetaData in game

I can’t use GetMetaData in DebugGame Configuration,because that macro HACK_HEADER_GENERATOR is defined by 0.When i try to add PublicDefinitions.Add(“HACK_HEADER_GENERATOR=1”) in Build.cs file.cxx compile will get 2 link error finally. What’ wrong with me?

I am having the same problem, I have a plugin that needs to utilize GetMetaData and HasMetaData, but in a game config they are not available unless you define HACK_HEADER_GENERATOR=1. Even after that it fails when linking as it can’t find the UField::GetMetaData and UField::HasMetaData symbols. I have tried to modify the entire cs config for the UE4Game.Target.cs, or the configurations for my specific game, or the plugin configs adding PublicDefinitions as Johnson stated above but after (full rebuild in some cases) there is still the same linking issue. Has someone else able to make this work?

Me too. What can I do

I have the same problem, have you solved it?

Could somebody read meta in the package?