UE4 Android build error, could not overwrite Project Properties file

I tried for many times to setup the development environment by using CodeWorksforAndroid-1R6u1-windows.exe, but always failed.
Luckily, I found someone upload the [NVPACK folder][1] which I think is suitable, since the version of UE I use is 4.18.3.
I copied the NVPACK folder and pointed the Editor to the install locations.


While I clicked “Configure Now”, it prompted that “Could not overwrite Project Properties file”.

@anonymous_user_4dd6e988 Chang ([Android Build Failed - Mobile - Unreal Engine Forums][4] ) and @ryuikuya ([https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/333524/android-configure-now-error.html][5] ) both suggested to build Development + Android first.

Since the simple copy and paste of NVPACK, there is no Android option.


I need to add some paths manually.

  1. Add JAVA_HOME path (the validation succeeds by cmd: java –version);
  2. Run android.bat located in C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\tools
  3. Add ANDROID_HOME path (the validation succeeds by cmd: adb version);
  4. Add ANT_HOME path (the validation succeeds by cmd: ant -version);
  5. Add NDK_ROOT path (I am not sure whether it succeed since the following image)


  1. Run Setup.bat;
  2. Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat;
  3. Open proj.sln, specify the configurations: Development + Android and build, but get stuck with the errors fully put in 1.log.

Could not move on.
Any help would be appreciate ; )

1.log is attached here.
link text

Finally, I fixed it by run Setup.bat -include=Android instead of Setup.bat.
Because the command Setup.bat, by default, only downloads the dependencies for the current platform. ([TUTORIAL] How to use Setup.bat and how to reduce download size]1)

Choosing Android I am getting an ugly error when building…

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error MSB3075 The command “…..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Android Development -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. UE4 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 44

Any ideas?


Please shut up all the related processes including those in the background when you start to bulid it.

And also check the answer provided in this website:

Hope it can work for you.

Had to create an empty file called “project.properties” in the given folder to make this work.

Thank you so much. Running setup.bat fixed the configuration problem.