SceneTexture Postprocess Input stopped working (4.19)

After update to 4.19, post process materials (we have an outline for selecting objects) completely stopped working.
I tried pretty much everything but I think it’s a bug. The preview sphere seems blank. What can I do?

It seems to me that the bug appears only in preview mode but on a scene materials works fine. The real reason why an outline doesn’t work can be same as in my case . But I haven’t found the solution yet. Also you can check this post .

I found out what it was. BingoBongo was right, that is just a preview issue of the material editor.
When I checked for the first time in the Project Settings, the Custom Depth - Stencil Pass was set to enabled.
After a lot of testing, reverse engineering some HLSL code, creating project in version 4.14 and up, I have found out, that there is a hidden option in the project settings - "Enabled with Stencil, in the same field as “Enabled”. Convenient!
Anyway glad this is sorted out.

Changing the Enabled to Enabled with Stencil in the project settings under rendering did fix the issue for me, thanks a lot!