UPROPERTY not editable in editor

Hi everyone. I am currently working on some C++ and Blueprint classes that inherit from them. A very strange bug occurred during this process and I hope you have some solution for it.

  1. I have created a C++ base class “Building” that has a UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere) UStaticMeshComponent. (The BlueprintReadWrite specifier is just for testing but without it the behavior is the same)
  2. I have created some Blueprints that have the “Building” as parent and set the corresponding Meshes.

This worked fine for a while. Now I have reopened the editor and wanted to change some meshes but I see no options and parameters in “Details” view anymore. Thus I cannot change anything anymore :frowning:

When I rename my variable e.g. form “BuildingMesh” to “BuildingMeshX” than the options show up again but I have to setup everything again. Renaming back to “BuildingMesh” hides the options again.

Further when I create a new BP that parents “Building” everything looks fine and I can edit it but the old BPs are not configurable.

This is very strange and annoying since I don’t want to set up everything again and again when this bug occurs. How to handle this issue? Is there a work around?

I have attached some screenshots to show you what I mean.

Try deleting the Intermediates and Binaries folder from your project and re-opening it.

I have deleted both folders and reopened the project, rebuild the corresponding library but the issue is still there. All of my broken BPs are still broken and the new one I have created for testing purposes still looks fine. :confused: Very strange. Are there maybe any other folders that may have some cached data that cause this issue?

I think these were those folders :stuck_out_tongue:
When I’m coding in C++, and something is not getting updated in the editor, i just build the project through VS, but i guess you can’t do that in your case…
I’d say, just give your BuildingMesh a different name and problem solved :wink: plenty of names to go from!

Yeah true. Probably I will have to do it… But it will be annoying when a component will be more complex, configured in a BP and then suddenly all settings disappear. I want to avoid something linke that.

Because when I rename the variable I have to reconfigure all parameters for the component again :frowning: