'Stamina' progress bar widget - Int to Float?

My stamina system was created using an Integer, but it doesn’t seem to work when binding my GetStamina script for my Stamina Progress Bar widget. I tried dividing the Integer before it’s converted to a Float but all this seems to do is send the progress bar from full to zero when I finally run out of stamina, with no animation in between.

The full stamina amount as an Integer is 100, and it runs out at 0.

Any ideas?
Do I just have to remake my stamina system with a Float? If so, what’s the point of the Int->Float conversion?


I see now, I had to convert before I divided. Thank you so much, you are a life saver! :smiley:

The progress bar goes from 0 to 1, so in order to fill it properly, you have to convert the health to a float, then divide it by the maximum health, and feed that in the return value :slight_smile:

Oh stop it, you :3