What means "Failed to bind native function to ...."?

So, I’m trying to package my game for Android, but when deployed to a device, the game would often crash on load but if I keep relaunching it, it would sometimes load up and runjust fine.

Here’s the logcat.

04-29 03:00:02.320 15132 15158 D UE4     : [2018.04.28-20.00.02:320][  0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game.
04-29 03:00:02.320 15132 15158 D UE4     : [2018.04.28-20.00.02:320][  0]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps_Modes/FlappyBirdMainMap1?Name=Player
04-29 03:00:02.332 15132 15158 D UE4     : [2018.04.28-20.00.02:332][  0]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps_Modes/FlappyBirdMainMap1?Name=Player
04-29 03:00:04.001 15132 15158 D UE4     : LogClass: Warning: Failed to bind native function BackgroundSpinner_Actor_BP_C.Make room for bird\'s starting run
04-29 03:00:04.001 15132 15158 D UE4     : 
04-29 03:00:04.006 15132 15158 D UE4     : [2018.04.28-20.00.04:003][  0]LogClass: Warning: Failed to bind native function BackgroundSpinner_Actor_BP_C.Make room for bird\'s starting run

It crashes on “Failed to bind native function”

What is this and how do I debug it? I’ve tried reconnecting the function that spouts that error but it just won’t go away.