I want to have it so that as you take damage/lose health for your vision go black and white showing you getting close to death

new to the program and could really use some help i as seen above the question i need to know how to implement this into the game i am looking to try and do it but failed/couldn’t find how pictures would help if able or even a link to the answer please could use help asap.

thanks Going to implement it right now

i but the stuff in but i don’t have the option of color tint? as well as can’t bring up player ref/find it do i need to make them to be able to get them or am i being just blind?


You can actually mosify the post process on the player camera to make things easier. As for modifying scene tint and saturation id have to do it again myself to figure it out its a bit of a pain from what i remember.

You need to access the player camera post process settings. And set the “scene tint” to whatever you like.

It doesn’t make the scene “black and white” still trying to see if I can figure that out but, one of those post-process options should do it. This will at least get you close. You can tint the entire scene with a color, I used a black tint with the alpha down to like 0.7. Gave a nice effect of narrowed/blurry vision.

It’s is the “saturation” setting. Seems you can mess with any of them, I set it to like 500,0,0,0 and it was black and white.

Yep, just set saturation to 0,0,0,0 (makes the most sense to me) but as long as they aren’t all 1 it goes black and white.

You need to select the “set members” node and in the details panel that shows up on the left, pull that out so you can see everything in there and check the box that says “scene saturation” I think it is, and pretty close to the top. Then once you have that it should show you 4 floats all 0. That should be all you need.

Yea, haha I never messed with that stuff before 10 min ago. I just assumed I could figure out where to do it. So I don’t have the best set-up…just was trying to find the “nodes” that control the scene tint and such. But yes, this is obviously not a good set-up! I was using tick just to see if it works.

It wasn’t hard at all actually. Everything is in a struct, I just zeroed out the saturation. Then you have a black/white scene. The only thing the OP needs to do is integrate that into the logic of player health decreasing and obviously set the saturation back to 1 when health is full.

heres a little test scenario that seems to work quite well (see picture below).

the first section in the comment area is your basic heal and damage system which is self explanatory, press the button and it gets health and either increments ors decrements its value then sets the value. next is a print string so i could see the values being put into the post process. now the post process wants a 0-1 number but my health was a 0-max (where max could be as high as you want) so i needed to normalize the value so that it would be scaled to a 0-1 number, the normalize to range does this for us, you just need to define the value, min, and max. to setup the next part start by dragging the player camera into the graph, then drag off the camera and searching for post process and select the set post process settings. then working back drag off the settings and search for make post process settings and select it. now select the make node and go to the details panel, look for saturation and check the as pin box. now just drag off the saturation pin and search for make and you will see vector 4. just setup the rest as seen in the picture and your set. im not sure if you really need a vector 4 in this case but its what came up contextually so thats what i used.

edit: you can set all the values of the make vector4 to 1 then just connect the w pint to the normalize node.

This effect can also be done using the set post process blend weight. to do it this way you would need to set the players camera post process to be fully desaturated as a baseline then use the blend weight based on health. this method basically overrides the scenes post process by blending from one to the other. this way may be slightly easier to implement but it would negate any effects from the world post process so the former method is better in my opinion.