Paragon assets - particle Trail smoke C++

so i need your help, i’m following tutorial on how to create gun asset with C++ but im using paragon asset instead
im trying to add trace between the muzzle and the hit location


on the left is tutorial particle on the right paragon asset(P_TwinBlast_Bullet_Trail_Smoke_Spline)

The tutorial say that i need to get the value inside

Target-> distribution-> parameter name

I cant find target name in paragon’s particle asset

so what is the string name that i need to define in setvectorparameter for this to work
C++ code is

UParticleSystemComponent*TracerComp = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation();

Its a Mesh Particle and not a Beam Particle. Beams have a Source and a Target and Mesh Particles have a Mesh.
This one has a Spline Mesh Attached to it. You could change the length of the Spline relative to the target distance if you want a full trail.