Paper 2D Sprite has a slightly different color

Hello everyone,

I just made a Paper 2D sprite out of a spritesheet and put it in the scene.

The thing is it has a slightly different color in the scene.

The Texture settings are:

Compression Settings: UserInterface2D (RGBA)

Mip Gen Settings: NoMipmaps

Filter: Nearest

Never Stream: On

It’s not the light (rebuilt it).

I tried changing the filter but it’s not causing it, also I need it without antialiasing.

Then I thought it looked a bit desaturated so I played around with the adjustments but it couldn’t fix it.

Then I thought it looked like the green channel was a bit higher so I tried adjusting it in the material but it didn’t fix it either.

Also I tried not multiplying the texture with the vertex color but same result.

Then I took it into photoshop and checked out how the colors were changed but I couldn’t find a pattern, sometimes the Hue goes up, sometimes down, same goes with saturation and brightness.

So if anyone has an idea or knows the solution I’d be very thankful.

EDIT: Sorry this is a duplicate Paper 2d color doesn't match between editor and play screen - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums
but it’s also unanswered.

EDIT: Ok I’m still a noob, so I didnt’ know that I just had to change it to Unlit, so the Lighting has no effect.

EDIT: So now it has a slightly brighter color.

EDIT: The brightening seems to appear at the sprite itself.

EDIT(hopefully last one): So I compared the Texture preview with the sprite preview and the source image. It appears that the Texture is actually darker than the source image and the sprite has almost the same color as the source image, with slight variations of 1 in the R, G or B channels. So, I hope the problem is solved for now.

EDIT: Ok the issue is totally not solved yet. Problem is you can change the viewmode to Unlit so the sprite displays correctly, but I want to have Unlit Sprites and Lit Objects too.
Now the Material shading on Unlit does not truely set it to be unaffected by lights.

seems like the solution for me was to disable Tonemapping via creating a new PostProcess Material and assigning it to PostProcessing volume Another way to disable tonemapping - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums similar Struggle Against Tonemapper - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

I have the same problem, and did not found the way how to fix it. While testing in the editor - it’s as easy as just “unlit” the scene or if in the Play mode - execute console command at BeginPlay “viewmode unlit”, however it does not work for shipping builds, since console is disabled. I use post process volume from Paper2D template where auto-exposure is disabled.