Tiled texture in landscape from heightmap

Hi all,

I’m pretty newb to UE4 and I got this issue: I created a map in L3DT. Exported the maps (normal, height, specular, texture, etc.) and was able to successfully import my map from a heightmap into my level. That’s great, now, I created a material with the 1:1 texture and when I assign it to the landscape it’s tiled as heck. How do I fix this?

Here’s a screenshot of the issue:


Nevermind I fixed it by adding the LandscapeCoords node to the material and assigning it to each texture’s UV.

I find it crappy that I have to use trial & error to find out the “correct” scale value (550 in my case). Any ideas to make it better? at least I can continue with my game.


A better option is to use tiled textures, break them up with macro texture variation. Stretching textures across landscapes will result in some low res ugliness.