Rotating an animation


I’m using UE 4.19 and I’m wondering how do I rotate an animation.

The premise is simple - I have a lock-on system which changes my control rotation so that my character endlessly stares at an enemy he’s locked on and moves relative to him. Now here comes the problem - I’ve bought a great asset pack from the marketplace and it had a sweet roll animation, the trick being it only rolls me forward, where my character is facing.

So when I’m not locked on it all works fine and dandy - character rolls forward which is always where I want him to do so. However when I;'m locked on I’d like him to roll to the left or to the right of the enemy, which he cannot do since the animation tells him to do it only forward,

So my questions are: Is there a way to rotate an animation in such a way without using Blender/other programms? Is yes, will it work in my situation where the game constantly tells my character to be facing the enemy?

Thank you in advance!