Building Lighting stuck at 0%

Hello everyone, I don’t want to make it too long and I’ll try to explain my problem as short as possible and quick.

This is my first time that I started using UE4. I’ve been searching all over the forums to fix these quite annoying and permanent problems since 1 weeks. However, I couldn’t find anything useful yet. There are tons of other topics may have been mentioned about my issue but I guess I didn’t get them properly. So that’s what forced me to post here afterwards. I just wanted to create a little map for the beginning phase and decided to make a usual little forest reminding a big garden actually. At the first beginning, I was using each static meshes by hand and not using foliage tool at all. After then, I just realized that It’s too exhausting to doing it compared to the size of my map.I decided to switch it over the foliage tool instead of putting each mesh one by one. I used free KiteDemo assets which include lots of trees, grass, flowers, trees even the rocks. Especially for the grass, it was really difficult to fill all over the forest with them. I used nearly 55k grass with some sort of plants

And I get several errors in order of saying " Instanced meshes don’t yet support unique static lighting for each LOD. Lighting on LOD 1+ may be incorrect unless lightmap UVs are the same for all LODs.
"The total lightmap size for this InstancedStatichMeshComponent is large, consider reducing the components lightmap resolution or number of mesh instances in this component.

Well, the real question is " How can I overcome with those ?" I thought it’s just some kind of reminder pointing out something for educational. But without applying the build process, the optimization becomes worse. Performance loss is absolutely insane. Thus that’s why I must build before continuing rest of my project. It’s such a bad problem that prevented me from advancing forward for about 1 weeks. Even it’s just my first try and with free assets. Really disappointed and couldn’t get over it. Building Lighting always remains at 0%. hindering me. I know a lot of people suffering/suffered from this and there are many topics but still couldn’t find a proper solution for it. I’m currently using 4.19 and date back to 2015’s this problem was still common tho.

  1. Don’t use LOD for Instanced meshes (foliage).
  2. Reduce light map resolution to 8 or 4 for foliage.
  3. Reduce the number of foliage from 58,4k to <=30k . You can merge grass meshes and make it biggest.