Map from pak file missing materials and meshes

Hi everyone!

I’ve been working on this for a few days and I finally have it to a place where I think I’m close to it working. I’m trying to build a system which allows a user to download a .pak file from a server (this part is working) and launch a level from it in the game. Each .pak file is essentially a packaged level. Everything is working and I finally made it so that i can open console and type open minimal_default and it will load the level. (I have created a pak file from a blank project with starter content following these instructions)

The level loads, but none of the meshes or materials load, it’s just an empty map. When I check the logs, I get this message repeated for each asset.

LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/StarterContent/Props/SM_TableRound requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/StarterContent/Props/SM_TableRound
LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
LogStreaming: Error:   /Engine/LevelTest/Content/StarterContent/Maps/Minimal_Default

My Code:
This is the code I’m using the mount the pak file.

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("MountPak(%s)"), *FullFilePath);

// get mod UID
FString PathPart, FilePart, ExtPart;
FPaths::Split(FullFilePath, PathPart, FilePart, ExtPart);
FString PathPart2, ModUID, ExtPart2;
FPaths::Split(PathPart, PathPart2, ModUID, ExtPart2);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("ModUID=%s"), *ModUID);

IPlatformFile& PlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();
FPakPlatformFile* PakPlatform = new FPakPlatformFile();
PakPlatform->Initialize(&PlatformFile, TEXT(""));

if (PakPlatform->Mount(*FullFilePath, 0, *(FPaths::EngineContentDir()))) {
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Successfully mounted %s at %s"), *FullFilePath, *FPaths::EngineContentDir());
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to mount %s"), *FullFilePath);