[SOLVED] Why does my Epic games Launcher keep crashing?

Can anyone help me? It keeps crashing when I open it, and it says “Multiple crashes detected”.
Please no one has been able to help me yet.

what version of unreal do you use?

I have the same problem…

Not really sure, anyway I can check?

No, firewall or antivirus is not blocking. I have the debug log, are you able to decode and find out what my problem is?

Here is my debug log: JustPaste.it - Share Text & Images the Easy Way

Not sure, do your antivirus or firewall blocking the Epic games Launcher?

it look likes some file is missing, try to reinstall Epic games Launcher

Thank you brother, you fixed my issue! Bless you :slight_smile:


The reason was my files were corrupt.

To fix, reinstall Epic games launcher, this will NOT UNINSTALL YOUR FORTNITE.


If you can´t repair your Epic Launcher and have to deinstall it, copy the game folder, so you don´t need to redownload your game.

Guide how to implement the copy later:

Source of error: My error appeared, when i close the game (borderlands 3 for me) fast for example, quit to desktop instead of mainmenu and then desktop, so the Epic Launcher have to synchronize with the cloud(you can not really see that he is still working) . If i then shut down the pc or close the launcher the problem appears.

salve avrei questo problema ma non riesco a risolverlo ho provato di tutto ma non riesco mi potete dare un aiuto

non ci sappiamo probabilmente
o altri non parlano italiano