How do I make quadruped movement in Unreal 4.17?

Hey guys!
So for the past few months I’ve been trying to make a dinosaur game with a few friends. We’ve got our world set up and some blueprints for our dinosaurs (although we want to have everything in c++ when we are finished). One of the biggest things we have been struggling with is how to get this beast moving. We started off with character movement but quickly ran into a problem with collisions and found out that we can only use the default capsule collider for collision which doesn’t work out too well since our dinosaurs are much longer than they are wide. We then tried using a pawn class for our blueprint using Floating Pawn Movement for movement. When we first made the pawn class, we used a skeletal mesh as the root component but when we applied pyhsics to it it melted into the ground. I’m assuming this is because of the joints in the mesh. We then used a static mesh of our dinosaur as the root component so we could apply physics to it and have perfect collision around the model and to solve the melting issue. The dino moved but this too had limitations as whenever we would hit a bump on the ground we would pop up and slowly float down to the ground. Then there was the rolling backwards or sideways whenever we would go up or down a ramp in our test area. My most recent attempt to get it working is with the vehicle class. I figured if I could get a “tire” on each foot, we might have something here. Because the vehicle movement requires a skeletal mesh as the root, I set up the vehicle like our original pawn but again I’ve run into the problem of the model melting into the ground.

We’ve been at this a few months now trying to ge tthis working. I personaly feel like I have scoured the internet looking for solutions and I know the others have been as well but we have all come up empty. Being that none of us have ever touched Unreal before this project, it may just be that we haven’t recognized a technical answer to fix this problem. We are very proficient in c++ but definitely not Unreal.

My question is would anyone be willing to walk us through setting up a quadreped dinosaur to move and collide with our surrounding world? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I’ve done all I know to do as far as research and fixing this issue.

Thanks guys!