No ListBox kind of widget available?

Hello, I need a widget which keeps a list of strings, which is selectable, and able to add, update, and remove strings.
Just like the ListBox in WPF. Better would be if it could even be bound to an array.
I did not find anything built in, also not in the marketplace.

Does anyone know a solution?

Thanks in advance,


A simple vertical box can keep a list of clickable text blocks. Keep the strings in an array and populate the vertical box.

To make it organised, modular and self-contained, make a custom widget that has a text block and any extra variables & functionality you desire. And then populate a container with your custom widgets.

edit: if you need something with scrolling functionality, use a Scrollbox

Could you please elaborate a little more? Users can usually select one or multiple entries in the ListBox and you can then ask the ListBox which entries are selected. How would you do this in Unreal? Vertical box and Text are not capable of this, are they? And what do you mean by “clickable text”? Text wrapped in button? :slight_smile: