Config Files [.ini] - C++ / Blueprint


i want to know how i can load up variables from a ini file?. i dont want to have a save system or anything. i want the players to be able to go to the files to be able to change some variables if need be.

so? how is this possible i have tried creating a actor and added this:

and afterwards this:

bool b_canRead;

doesnt seem to work. anyhelp? i did create a file called “userconfig” in the game/config directory.

Maybe take a look at this wiki by : A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hope it helps!

project/config contains default first run configs, the true current active config is saved in Saved/Config

Remeber that need to call SaveConfig() to save state of config varable, otherwise defaults are used if there no config

All those arguments there are optional.

a Example cpp and h file would be nice.
if you DO have time then please do so.