Looping Sounds Overlaping

So in my project, I have made an actor that is essentially an electrical generator. Sometimes my game will require that there are a lot of them on a map (close together). Each generator makes an electrical humming sound when it is active (which it is by default). The problem here of course, is that the electrical humming sounds stack, or overlap and become unbearably loud. I’ve tried using concurrency settings, and it works great except for the fact that…

Generators can be disabled, making the humming noise stop. Concurrency settings work by literally stopping sounds that play when the max count has already been reached. Setting a max count of one in concurrency settings means that when the generator making the sound is disabled (or off-screen due to my attenuation), none of the other generators will be playing their humming sound. What can I do to fix this? Basically, I’m looking for a way to clamp the maximum volume of a sound being played multiple times. Thanks!