Lightmaps artifacts

Have some weird artifacts on meshes, landscape and bsp. No uv overlapping, all meshes have 2 uv channels, I have set lightmap resolution to 512 or change lighting quality to production but it didn’t changed anything. Tried to unwrap uv in blender for all meshes but nothing happened either.

Hi! Can you post a screenshot of your second UV channel?
Remember that Lightmaps on BSPs get better with lower resolutions, opposite of Static Meshes.

Here it is for meshes I’m using:

Yeah I know about BSP but problem is about artifacts, not quality. No artifacts after building lighting with movable meshes. As I did it here:

I think your Lightmaps are too dense even for 512. It’s a bit difficult to see but some of your smaller UV clusters would hardly get a pixel or two of data. What happens when you increase the Lightmap resolutions to, say, 2048 and do a Preview build?
If the artifacts go away then your problem might be in the unwrapping and padding available in the UVs for the Lightmap resolution chosen.

Are the house walls BSP or SMs as well?

After several attempts I have realized that lighting just can’t be built with this lightmap resolution (It stops at 1-2% and give no errors). But actually I found another way to make fine lighting without baking lightmaps for static meshes. I left static lighing for bsp and used distance field shadows for all meshes. The result won’t resolve UV problem but ok for me.

Distance Fields was going to be my next suggestion to get you going. Glad you found it!