vr drag camera

I’d like to setup a VR drag style camera like Brass Tactics. Hold vr motion controller grip button and drag to move the camera around (or to move the world around idk which is better/simpler).

Is there a tutorial or example on this? It seems like it should be a pretty simple/basic thing.

Note I already did the following:

So I can look around in VR with the HMD and I can see the motion controllers.

Look at this: Drag-n-drop VR navigation (UE4 / HTC Vive) - YouTube
and check the Description for a link to the Blueprints.

thank you for the reply, though that video just shows the result; it’s not like a tutorial or sample code

is there a way to move every actor in the world except the motion controllers?

update: I figured out how to use that example; the youtube video has a link to screen shots, so I just had to remake everything in the screen shots… thank you

random thought: would be nice if people could share blueprints code snippets easier on web pages… ie copy-paste the text, then have it render in any web page (and be copy-paste-able) as an embedded web thing supported by unreal’s web page