Where and how to use Get Game UserSettings -> Apply Settings

I’m obviously new to all this, and am in the process of building a Main Menu.

At one point I saw a video telling me to call the Get Game User Settings → Apply Settings off the Event Construct in my menu widget (This is working fine and loads the settings properly when i launch the game.

I’ve Created an Apply Button to apply the settings (and save them to the file) however it doesn’t seem to be doing so.

I’ve tried setting the Apply Button up like below

This is how I have my menu options opening and closing

This is how I am setting my different resolutions

The Problem I seem to be having is it’s not saving the settings to the file so when I click the apply and it Get Game User Settings → Save Settings it’s reading from the file not getting the in game settings and then saving them. What am I missing here? Any help would be VERY MUCH appreciated!

You have to use the GetGameUserSettings to change the settigns, instead of console commands! There is a SetResolution node in the GameUserSettings that you should use to set the new resolution. It should then save that resolution when you run apply and save game user settings :slight_smile:


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Thank you so very much!