How to create a "Class"/Object for the blueprint editor

I’m working on a gui ATM and I’m missing the possibility to create enclosed methods including private variables. I need to manage multiple variables for the object I’m drawing (icon grid) and it’s getting a pain to store all of them in my blueprint for each instance and also passing all of them each time I want to draw an instance. Is it possible to create an object with Functions AND persistent local variables, preferably with blueprints, if not possible, with c++?

I not sure whats the problem, you got item objects right? you use those objects to read variables from them to draw irons on grid. Im not sure what you mean by “enclosed functions” (i learned programming mostly form experience :p), bu you can do functions for items tha can do some tasks and you can call them from anywhere

You could use same item you use for pickup as for inventory you just hide primitive components when you pick them to inventory and show them again on item drop, this way you can have single class for single item

No, you misunderstood. the “Items” are actually just a struct with a type enum and a stack count. The item properties are defined in the gamemode. So The player is just transferring an enum into his inventory. The HUD then reads out the icons from the gamemode and draws them in a grid. Now this grid has several “instance-specific” variables. It has a dynamic material instance, a scroll position, max size etc. Instead of storing each of those values for EACH AND EVERY item grid the HUD MAY draw, I would like to have an “Item Grid” “Class” which stores these values internally, and also either offers the “Draw” method, or allows modification of these values during runtime. A Blueprint Structure CAN actually store values like this, but if does not support functions and values can not be edited (You have to create a new struct object with modified values each time).

Edit: I basically wanna do Either MyGrid.Draw(items) or DrawGrid(MyGrid, items); While MyGrid contains the relevant data.