AutomationTesting from CommandLine

Hi, we are trying to set up some automated tests for our projects. Ideally we’d like to run the tests in our continuous integration. To start of with, we’d like to compile all blueprints. That means that we’d like:

  1. A way to trigger a set of tests from a script or straight up the command line
  2. A meaningful return code after the tests have run
  3. The log of the tests that were performed

After some searching I figured out how I can run the tests through the editor from the command line

UE4Editor.exe <project file>.uproject -editortest -execcmds="Automation RunFilter Stress, List, RunTests Project.Blueprints.Compile Blueprints" -log

This opens a new cmd and trying to pipe the output to a file seems to not work. After the tests have been run, the editor window stays open, so there is no exit code.

I also found that there is a -testexit parameter to pass, but I couldn’t figure out if that’s meant to quit the process after the tests have run and what I need to pass as an argument for it to work.

So we have the following questions:

  1. Is there any meaningful documentation of the automation system?
  2. If there is none, is there any guidance how to learn about the system beyond reading all of the code?
  3. If there is none of that: How do I get the editor to exit after the tests have been run? How do I obtain a log file?