C++ - BlueprintSpawnableComponent vs CreateDefaultSubobject Which is better?

i just started learning c++ for Unreal

now i came up with this situation:
You have for example “MovementComponent” and you want place it as a component in your “Character”
then i saw two ways of doing it

  1. Create protected variable MovementComponent then set it in the constructor of the character like:

    MovementComponent= CreateDefaultSubobject(FName(“MovementComponent”));
    So you use the method CreateDefaultSubobject

  2. Add on the MovementComponent.h file inside the UCLASS() this:

    UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
    And then just go to your character and click add component and you will find the Component.

Now i wondered which one is better qua performance and features
One thing i know is with method 2 you also have is as a variable in your character blueprint

And with one should i use??