Updating source files takes too long

UE4 generates files every time you compile and you can’t get around it, so there’s nothing you can do on that side. But I bet there is a way in Resharper to ignore certain files – hopefully with wildcards.

I searched and found a blog post from 2011 that says their ignore feature doesn’t handle wildcards but I see a thread where it seems like that has been improved. I think you should look in ReSharper → Options → Code Inspection → Generated Code.

Umm. Maybe not. is the thread. If you can’t use wildcards then you should probably use something other than Resharper. If they knew of this deficiency in 2011 and it’s still not implemented then it’s probably a bad idea for other reasons too.

Hey there,

i just recently started to use the unreal engine and i have one big problem with visual studio atm.
Every time i open my solution resharper takes around 30 min. to “updating source files”.
Is there a way around this without deactivating resharper?

Well its a bit funny but the reason it kept “updating” every time i started the solution another time is that this updates somehow fill my SSD. And my SSd was full, so it removed those files again after i closed VS. Now that i have space again it takes not 30 min of startup but around 1min. because of indexing etc. etc.

Thank you for your quick replies!