APlayerController can't move Pawn with AddMovementInput

Hi So my problem is that I can’t seem to move my Pawn from my PlayerController, I am very new to ue4 and have been looking for more information but can’t seem to solve my problem.

I have the pawn and the player controller class assigned in the game mode class (It is also set as the main game mode in the settings):

PlayerControllerClass = ADefaultPlayerController::StaticClass();
DefaultPawnClass = ATSSPawn::StaticClass();

Now for my “Move Forward” Method which is bound to the axis, I have tried a couple of solutions and only 1 of them works and I am not sure if this is the right way to do it.

void ADefaultPlayerController::MoveForward(float Value)
	APawn* const MyPawn = GetPawn();
	if (MyPawn && Value != 0.0f) {

		//Doesn't work
		FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();
		const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(Rotation).GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X);
		MyPawn->AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);

		//Doesn't work
		MyPawn->AddMovementInput(MyPawn->GetActorUpVector(), Value);

		FVector NewLocation = MyPawn->GetTargetLocation();
		NewLocation.X += Value;

I would like to know why does the AddMovementInput function doesn’t work in this case? What did I miss or what do I don’t understand?

AddMovementInput is part of the Unreal API that’s defined in Pawn.h. If you’re using a PlayerController, you need to get the pawn that you want to add movement to, then use the MovementComponent to move the Pawn.
I believe it’s:

MyPawn->AddInputVector(direction, scale, force);