Custom saving system with USTRUCT


I have been trying to follow Rama’s tutorial for making a custom save system, and I’ve managed to run into a few problems. I am currently trying to save a custom USTRUCT to a file, with some properties that are difficult to serialize.

struct FPaintingLayer


	uint8 * layerColors;
	uint32 layerDataSize;
	UMaterialInstanceDynamic * layerMaterialInstance;
	UTexture2D * layerTexture;
	int layerID;
	float layerOpacity;
	bool layerVisible;

I have implemented an operator overload for << that can accept my custom USTRUCT. Unfortunately, when it tries to serialize the material instance, i run into this assertion from MemoryArchive.h:

virtual FArchive& operator<<( class UObject*& Res ) override
	// Not supported through this archive
	return *this;

I was using an FBufferArchive as in the tutorial example, and i assume that this specific archive is unable to read objects. I would also assume that FObjectReader and FObjectWriter would be better picks for this, however, these are unable to handle the other properties of the USTRUCT. Is there a way to implement the usage of both the FBufferArchive and the object reader/writer somehow, so that i can serialize the object properties in the structure?