Error on importing FBX files

I’m trying to import some models designed on blender version 2.19.
I get the following message errors:



Down, it is an image with my exporting configurations:


I read it could be related to FBX version, however UE says that FBX 6.1 ASCII is deprecated.

Is there any known issue on how blender export FBX file that explain this errorr on UE?
In case of yes, which is a turnaround.

EDIT #1:
Added blender file

Blender File

Could you paste your .blend file here? Ill try that for you

I added link to my file in the question

I tried this with blender version 2.79 and it works totally fine. I would recommend you to update your blender. If the problem is the missing image then pack it into the blend file File>External Data>Automatically Pack into blend

i can confirm that it works fine in 2.79b as i just tested it too. the only issue i had was some normals that were off.