How to cast uint8 of size 4 to int32?

I am trying to read data out of a binary file, and I know that a certain part of the file is 4 bytes long and an integer (int32). I have a uint8 of a size of 4 bytes and I would like to set an int32 (which is 4 bytes) to that value through some form of casting, conversion, etc. I have seen ways to do this in normal C++, but they all seem hacky to me (not accounting for big endian vs little endian for example). I was hoping Unreal already had something for this problem?

Look into shift operators <>

Can you post code snippet of what you have so far for reading that file? The question is a little bit too unspecific.

The problem of converting 4 bytes to one int32 seems very specific to me? Unless I’m just way off

I am going to try that next, thank you

I have edited my question to be more specific