Get player to controll camera rotation in cinematic

Ok, so I have a level sequence, it’s played automatically at the beginning of the level. The sequence has a camera rail rig, with a cinecamera that is a BP and a train window mesh connected. The sequence works great, both camera and window follow the rail. I want that the player to be able to controll the camera to look at the scenery. The camera control will be limited but I know how to do that.

What I don’t know is how to get the player to control the camera during the level sequence. Please help.

Thank you.

Is it that impossible to get an answer on this site, or everything I need answers for, I have to go to third party sites and forums and ask other users on facebook or youtube?

How do I get attention here? What I have to do?

At least an I don’t know, something…

I don’t know sequences but I bet you could just attach your player controllable camera to an actor that is sequence controlled, or have its location update to that one every tick.

I tried attaching with no success, but I’ll try tomorrow the location update idea and come back with an update.

Thank you.

Having the location update every tick worked, thanks.

I’m glad it worked, especially when I was just guessing at an idea. Will you mark my answer as accepted?

thank you :slight_smile: